Was Kinder betrifft, betrifft die Menschheit!
- Dr. Maria Montessori
December 2020
Cordial Invitation
Dear Parents
The carol singing of the elementary school children takes place in classes this year on the playground 135 of the Rietberg Montessori School from 5 - 5.45 pm. Unfortunately, this year without our kindergarten children.
You are cordially invited to join the carol singing of your child's class and support the children by singing along with them! Please reserve the appropriate date in your agenda.
Performance dates are as follows:
Monday, 7th December 2020: PB
Tuesday, 8th December 2020: PF
Thursday, 10th December 2020: PC
Monday, 14th December 2020: PD
Tuesday, 15th December 2020: PE
Thursday, 17th December 2020: PA
We are looking forward to meeting you then!
Einladung zu unserem Informationsabend zum Thema "Sprachförderung / Deutsch als Zweitsprache".
Anmeldung erforderlich.
Informationsabend zum Übertritt vom Kindergarten in die Primarschule.
Anmeldung erforderlich.
Ein Film über ein wildes Abenteuer, einen tollkühnen Plan und den wahren Wert von Freundschaft.