Was Kinder betrifft, betrifft die Menschheit!
- Dr. Maria Montessori
Wednesday, 13. September 2023, 7 - 7.45 pm
information evening (Q+A)
This online information evening is a question and answer session for parents whose children attend Grade 5 at Rietberg Montessori School and would like to participate in the 'Montessori Model United Nations' programme this year.
The children become delegates for a country, research that country and give a presentation about it. Then they prepare to debate an issue that the UN is currently discussing.
Finally, attending the MMUN conference is an opportunity to meet other delegates from around the world and experience how to reach consensus on solutions to difficult real-world problems. This is the first time we will be attending a conference in person, in Rome from 30 May to 4 April 2024.
Parents who would like more information can register for the Q+A by emailing Rachelle Olson at .
Einladung zu unserem Informationsabend zum Thema "Sprachförderung / Deutsch als Zweitsprache".
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Informationsabend zum Übertritt vom Kindergarten in die Primarschule.
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Ein Film über ein wildes Abenteuer, einen tollkühnen Plan und den wahren Wert von Freundschaft.